It's so good to have you here
My name is Melissa Schuler
I'm a certified Hatha, Vinyasa and Holistic Pregnancy & Postpartum Yoga Instructor AND mom of a lovely boy, based in Munich, Germany.
I grew up in 3 different countries and have traveled around the world. Although I’ve settled in Germany for over a decade now, a piece of my heart is still in Mexico and California.

My Story

I first found Yoga in 2011 while visiting an Ashtanga-Vinyasa class at my fitness studio. It didn't take long before I fell in love with the practice. Firstly, because of the amazing workout I got, and soon after because of the calm and freedom I felt after every session.
I was quite depressed at the time and yoga helped me get back on my feet, so I never looked back. Yoga became part of my day-to-day life.
In 2021 I had my son and can confidently tell you that yoga is what kept me sane during pregnancy and labor!
Then, in 2022, when my son was 9 months old, postpartum depression kicked in, fueled by a serious lack of sleep and changing hormones. I wasn’t prioritizing myself. I wasn’t practicing yoga.
After a therapy session where I got the wake-up call to turn back to the tools I had learned practicing yoga, I re-started my practice and voilá! My depression was gone!
Yoga always grounds me and keeps me coming back to myself. It’s the foundation of my mental, physical, and emotional health.
Why I teach Yoga
Yoga is such an amazing gift that ancient India has given us. It’s done amazing things for me. It changed the way I think, the way I act, the way I see the world and myself. It helps me be a better person, a better mother, a better friend. I want you to experience that, too!
What I love about teaching is being able to guide you into listening to your own body, to your intuition, and into finding those wonderful Zen moments in between breath and movement.

I’m also passionate about the amazing process that is pregnancy, birth and the unfolding process of becoming a mother. I consider the concept of community and women's gathering and support systems extremely important as an empowerment tool. Not just for pregnant women, but for all women, regardless of their stage in life. This is why I decided to specialize in prenatal and postpartum yoga.

Science confirms 1 in 5 mamas experience postpartum depression or anxiety (PPD/PPA) in the year after giving birth, and that is just based on the women that get diagnosed.

Science also confirms Yoga and mindfulness as effective tools to treat and prevent mental health disorders.
Isn't that amazing? You stay fit in your body, mind and heart just by showing up on your mat.
With my experience as a yoga teacher and knowing very well all the challenges of being a mother, I'm on a mission to empower you, help you learn more about yourself, find space to relax and experience what Yoga really is all about. Connection.
​​​​If you have any questions or would like to explore collaboration opportunities with me, please do get in touch! I'm only an e-mail away :)
Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Certification
Postnatal Yoga Teacher Certification
Pre- and Postnatal Yoga Teacher Certification
Anatomy & Physiology for Pregnancy & Postpartum
Pregnant & Powerful Prenatal Teacher Training
by Brett Larkin, 20hrs
Pelvic Floor Anatomy & Physiology for Women's Health
by the Positive Birth Company
In progress
Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist